Friday, October 29, 2010

Don Carlos at the Fallsom

It was first trip to the west coast. I finished my business in Portland on Friday and On sunday I had a flight to Seattle from San Francisco. I never been in SF before so I decided to spend the weekend there. I checked all most interesting events in SF. The most exciting event was Don Carlos by Verdi at the SF Opera house. I made a reservation in the hotel close to the theater. The name of the hotel was "At the Opera".
The receptionist, a very polite and flamboyant young man, told me that I can purchase the tickets to the opera in the hotel for the same price as from the box office. the price for available tickets is arrant $200.
Oh dear Lord! Even if Don Carlos will decide to come over in person to my room to sing for $200 I doubt it if I pay such money.
- is anything else in the town these days?
- oh sir, it is San Francisco! - responded flamboyant receptionist, - there is always something going on in the gown. Maybe you would be interested in the Fallsome festival.
He was surprised that I did not hear anything about annual fulsome street festival.
Next morning I took my camera and walk toward to the place. It was not too difficult to find it because the disco-music led me to the right direction.
It was a gate where two guards devil greeted in the latex greeted me, calling "honey".

I just could imagine all surprises inside of the quarter where the festival took the place.
Time was around 10 am and the street was full of people both visitors like myself and participants who offered all kind of services from massaging to whipping. Tents with all kind of crafts, made by local and visiting artists. You could see from from cheap jewelry to clothes made from leather, latex and other pretty weird things.

suddenly someone rub my leg and a big dog said "woof-woof"! I looked down and quickly figured out that it was a big chubby girl dressed like a dog. The leash from her collar was leading to the hand of the dog's owner - the beautifully dressed ( a la 19th century) lady. Her head was crowned with the big old-fashioned hat withg vale. Gorgeous breast was supported with corset nicely fitted her body. Her arm was laying elegantly on the arm of the sailor who was a company. The whole entire "family" was concluded by tall governess.
It looks like that the company enjoyed their time and kindly let me took of a picture of them

The sounds of excited moaning took me away from these ladies and I went to see other "entertainers". At this time I could see a big fat guy with a small pee-pee who was chained to the board. A huge ugly babe with the whip was whipping this guy pointing with her whip at the guy's pee-pee.
Every time when she hit his penis he was moaning. What can I say, she was an excellent sniper because he was moaning non-stop.

Next whipper did not look better. The lady who pretended that she is a horse was whipped badly. I saw her blood on her back.

Can I write something less strange? I guess... the world is big, the world is crazy.

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Location:San Francisco 2003

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Премьер-министр России Владимир Путин через радиостанцию "Эхо Москвы" ответил на претензии блогера по поводу мер противопожарной безопасности в российских деревнях.
Пользователь Livejournal top_lap, у которого есть дача в деревне в Тверской области, в экспрессивных выражениях рассказал, в частности, следующее (орфография и пунктуация оригинала): "В деревне при м***ках коммунистах, которых все ругают было три пожарных пруда, висела рында, в которую били если начинался пожар и о чудо была пожарная машина, одна на три деревни правда, но была. И вот пришли господа демократы и начался п****ц, первое что сделали это засыпали пруды и продали эти места под застройку, пожарную машину тоже куда то дели, наверно инопланетяне сп***или, а рынду заменили на телефон (модернизация б***), только он ни х** не работает, потому что забыли подключить".

Завершается пост словами: "Верните мне б**** мою рынду, с**и, и заберите свой телефон на х**".

Журналисты "Эха Москвы" передали этот текст Путину. В сопроводительной записке главный редактор радиостанции Алексей Венедиктов отметил: "В лицо Вам, конечно, никто не скажет, но Интернет полон критики и негодования." Премьер в ответном послании отметил, что "с большим интересом и удовольствием" ознакомился с точкой зрения top_lap, и "в целом согласился" с его замечаниями. Он сообщил разгневанному блогеру, что "денежные средства на преодоление последствий стихийного бедствия и решение других неотложных проблем уже направлены из федерального бюджета на счета пострадавших субъектов Российской Федерации".

Что же касается рынды, Путин заверил ЖЖ-юзера: "При наличии Вашего адреса рынду получите у губернатора незамедлительно". Губернатором Тверской области является Дмитрий Зеленин.

Кроме того, премьер-министр отметил откровенность, прямоту и литературный талант автора гневного послания, сравнив его с "любимым писателем В.И. Ленина - А.М. Горьким".

По материалам

Dreams of the writer

Андруховичу наснилося, що він має застрелити Януковича
Андрухович зізнався, що йому снилися сни про те, що він має застрелити Януковича. Але пообіцяв цього не робити, бо він "мирно налаштована людина".
Український письменник Юрій Андрухович зізнався, що йому часто снилося, що він повинен застрелити президента Віктора Януковича.

Про це Юрій Андрухович розповів в інтерв'ю польській газеті Rzeczpospolita.

Відповідаючи на запитання, чи хвилюють його швидкі кроки України у бік Росії, письменних заявив:

"Це риторичне запитання. Очевидно, що хвилюють. Кожен із цих кроків робиться без озирання у минуле. Ці кроки ведуть українську державність у глухий кут. Я, наприклад, ніколи не думав, що у моїй душі народяться майже терористичні схильності. Що мені буде снитися, як я повинен застрелити Януковича. У мене був період, коли мені снилися такі сни".

Водночас Андрухович запевнив, що він - "мирно налаштована людина, яка не ставить насилля вище за всі інші методи боротьби", пише ТСН.


Андрухович виступає за відокремлення Криму і Донбасу
Він також переконаний, що "для Януковича ідеальною є така система, яку створив у Росії Володимир Путін".

На запитання "що ви думаєте про Януковича, чи згідні ви з думкою, що він - маріонетка Москви", Юрій Андрухович відповів:

"Певною мірою так, але це складніша справа. Якщо він і не є маріонеткою, то точно наслідником, таким собі епігоном Москви. Для Януковича ідеальною є така система, яку створив у Росії Володимир Путін. Ми наближаємося до цього швидким кроком".

Також Юрій Андрухович переконаний, що запізно боятися того, що Україна перестане бути українською, що зникне її мова і культура. "Запізно боятися. Маємо справу із реальністю", - наголосив Юрій Андрухович.

Friday, July 30, 2010

we welcome Russian Tzar

July 4th is a special day for Boston and Bostonians. The firework is not the biggest in the country but certainly is different because of the music accompaniment. the ordinary people are always looking for excitement and the good government (a ruler) is obliged to keep own people happy. The "bread and circus" law, that has been discovered once by Caesar many years ago, was perhaps the most important achievements of the governing system through the centuries.
Yankees love to have fun in the way if they think it is cool no matter what they do. The Independence day is the day when they want to show their patriotism and loyalty to the USA.

Either you belong to the democratic party or ideas of conservative republicans closer to your ideals, you are showing your love to american freedom and the constitution (even you have no idea what is inside of it).

Nevertheless you caring the polyurethane crown from the "statue of liberty", you are painting your face with the thre-color-american flag. Its cool to wear the shirt with american flag. It's OK to dance and jump during the performance of the "Overture 1812" by Tchaikovsky. When trumpet starting to play the fragment of the "Marseillaise" we are screaming and jumping as much as we do when Emerald adding some garlic or alcohol to his sauce - "Bam-Bam!!!".
Everybody is waiting the Overture! in Boston it's as much important music as the Yankee Doodle or the "God bless America". We are sensitive about it. We are pressing our hand to the chest and hollering like beluga during its horsing "God bleeeeesss Americaaaaah! My home sweeeeet home!". We are wiping our tears when we are listening the "1812". We are waving with american flag especially for theme (melody) in the "Overture"'s coda "God save the Tzar" (Боже царя храни). We are waiting for the final canon shot. We are waiting for the firework.
Next to me the older gentleman with his wife, enthusiastically waving with a small american flag and dapping for The "God save the Tsar".
His shirt crafted from american flag. His shorts are crafted from american flag. The same his cap and his sneakers. His gray beard and mustaches are groomed. His over-mid-age wife painted her face as american flag. I am jealous. I don't feel such patriotic excitement
I am asking him if he knows what kind of music he is enjoying so much...'
- mmm... I think it's something french...
me: Nah... this is Russian
he: Really
Me: yes.. and I think it is kind of apolitical to play such music which is glorifying the Russian monarchy when we are celebrating the revolution and freedom from the Royal Monarchy.
He: Oh, I did not know... Monarchy you said?
Me: yes, it's not even British Monarchy.. this is about glorifying the Russian Monarchy

The gentleman was certainly disturbed an d he stopped waving with his flag. I feel myself as and asshole who screwed the holiday to the such patriot.

he stepped out. I felt he hates me.

After a few minutes of thinking he approached back to me.

He: Do you know what is the biggest beauty of our country??
me: ???
He: The beauty is that even Russian Tsar is welcomed to our country!!! and he smiled!

Here you go! It was the cool reply!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Boston on July 4th at Esplanade

Fucking Jew #3

On saturday 17th of juke I am scheduled for my business trip to Russia. I cant wait when I will not see this man face who is coming to work like nothing happened.
A Friend of mine discussed briefly at his company with the HR manager. He was looking for the advise what would people normally do in his situation.
Fortunately the HR manager was Jewish so she looked at this situation with premeditation.
This is what she said:
She wasn't really sure that getting a lawyer up front was such a good idea.

She explained, that the place to start was the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD).

There is also some laws that apply to harrassment intended to make someone quit. These are know as "Constructive Discharge". I guess that means that the compnay is tyring to create a situation where the work environment is made intolerable for someone, forcing them to quit. Maybe what is happening to D.R. would fit more to this.

The most important thing, as far as she was concerned, was that if the company was informed of the situation, and did nothing to correct the problem, then they can have a real problem. Just saying "Don't do that again.." isn't enough. There have to be real consequences.

She gave me a web address for MCAD. I'll forward you this email as well.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Watertown, ma

Fucking Jew #2

How it was wonderful to take Friday off and enjoy Berkshires with beloved people.
I did not expect anything good from Monday whe I returned to work.
A few people called over the weekend being concerned about my feeling.
Reaction of Of the owner on the DR letter was rather strange. Instead to proven this crazy mental explosion of C., he was more concerned about who has heard and what!
Anyways, after C. Arrived to work he took to his office and soon realized that he may not control his words again, shut the door.
Very soon he lost his control and started shouting again "fuck you, fuck you".
I was waiting all Monday that H. Will talk to me or at least ask me what happened. A several times we spoke on the phone about the business, les etc. But I did not talk anything about the incident and waiting that he will start talking about it the first.
He did not ftalk about it on Tuesday either.
On wednesday, after we discussed the price issue, discount for our Singapore distributor, H. asked me suddenly that the are rumors that I am going to consult a lawyer.
I resounded to him, why he is listening the rumors instead of talking to me directly.
Than he told me that he is tired to be involved in this stupid incident. Since last thursday he has to be busy resolving this case instead of the productive work. He spoke to people and he spoke to C. And C said that I attacked him the first and he just responded. I wS the one who pulled C. From his office.
If I have intentions to call a lawyer he is asking me to tell him ahead about it. Because if I bring a "super-god" lawyer he will bring 10 of them like that. Also he said he knows that I like him and I like His company.
I said, Its true, I love my work.
So if I like my work why I am giving to certain employees a power to fight against him?
I asked him to think about my situation because I have to come to my office every day and deal with C. How is it possible after this incident.
H replies to me that it was mistake because I provoked C to such behavior.
Huh? Not bad, isn't it?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Watertown, MA

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Way to Go

All of us have to make decision in our life. Either they are small or big. We believe that we know the way to go. People who are confident in their decision are either extremely smart or completely stupid. Not many people are confident what is going to happen in the future.

Comrade Alexander Mikhaylovich Berlioz in Moscow 30th of the last century clear knew that in a few hours he will meet his fellow writers. And he was so confident about it because the communist government made decision what and how to do and the communist future was so clear and predictable. Comrade Berlioz laughed when Mr. Walland told him the he will die in a few minutes. That his head will be separated from his body! Mr. Walland was right. The head of Mr. Berlioz was chopped off when the tram car ran over his body. What a mishap!

Driving through Texas I stopped on this intersection thinking which way takes me to the place of my destination. The signes showed the opposite direction. It was the moment, it was time to take the right decision. I know it may change my life. But it was the time of making my mind. I did it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Massachusetts 28,Stoneham,United States

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fucking Jew

Last Thursday someone at work called me a "fucking Jew". He Called me repetitiously enjoying these two words tasting them like a chicken bone. He added (apparently because I am a "fucking Jew") - you are fucking thief.
I've heard it so many times in the past when I was boy, when I lived in the USSR and it was not necessarily about myself. But it was the Soviet Union, where the government kept a certain level of antisemitism in case when they need to blame on the "internal enemy" in problems with poor economy and food supply to ordinary people.

It was in Germany too, it was in Poland and in many other places long time ago. I guess, the USA was not an exception many years ago either. But now we live in different time, here, in the USA of the 21st century, in the civilized world! Such thing is rather odd and, after all, it is not acceptable when you hear this at work, publicly and from your colleague who happens to be Iranian. Huh! Is it a necessary reason? I stood up looking at this guy and listening his hysterical remarks and thinking that he is doing this certainly with desire to hurt me.
I was standing, looking directly to the guy's eyes and thinking that Les cendres de Klaas palpitent dans mon coeur! (ashes of Klaas are knocking at my heart).
Note: To someone who doesn't know, these words are from the Till Eulenspigel by Charles de Coster. Till cared on his neck a small pouch with ashes of his father.

It would not be that much problems bothering me personally if:
1) the guy is abusive to other people (not Jews)
1.1) he was appointed by his cousin to oversee the company finance
1.2) therefore he feels that he can do in the company everything what he wants because of the 1.1)
2) he is antisemitic and he doesn't hide his haters to Israel. I'm not neither traditional Jew nor religious person at all But remarks about Israel and Jews forced me to wear at work the yarmulke (kippah).
3) if I leave this case without consequences (as is) it can be repeated over and over again.

I reported to my boss (the company owner and this guy's cousin). He told me that I should reply to his cousin that he is a fucking Muslim. Nice! After all he suddenly recalled that he is running the company, and said that I should chill and he will talk to him and, of course, nobody should use such language in his company. At the end he suggested I take a day off and talk about it on Monday.
Now I have a dilemma, I.e. Either to require this guy get out of the company or to go to my lawyer and file the case.
Wait till Monday. Life doesn't allow me to be bored.

The New Update. Monday July 12th morning.

I returned back to my office. My fellows coworkers were disturbed about my feelings and health.
One of my friend (managing manufacturing) said that C. (the guy who called me "fucking Jew") is mental and told me that story that C. became upset because my friend was disagree with C about Saddam Husein who is a hero and "real man" for C.
Anyways, I received a copy of the e-mail of one employee who reported case to the owner.

H. & Ch.,

I’m very disturbed at what happened yesterday at the company. This company has been under change for the past 6 months – and I’ve tried to make the adjustment in good faith that things will get better. Since no one has titles anymore, it is hard to know whom to report this incident, but since I’ve known you to be directors, I’m addressing this to you both and also K.

I’m informing you that C. has become even more erratic in his behavior. I’ve run into some very bad situations personally which I have been willing to forbear. However, yesterday C. was totally out of control. He was yelling at the top of his lungs and everyone in the office heard what he was saying – and it was very offensive. He has shown this anger problem a number of times – but yesterday was way over the edge. He was shouting at New Apis telling him to “Get out, Get out!!” and then calling him a f’g thief & crook. Then he called him an “f’g Jew”!; and “either shut your f’g mouth or step outside.” Then he said, “I don’t think you have the balls to …” This is outrageous that he speaks to an employee like this – degrading him in front of all to see & hear ...

K., A., PB. were there to hear this going on – and probably some others. It is totally unacceptable. I’m really upset that C. can think he can act this way and get away with it. He actually invited New Apis outside to settle the matter (suggesting fighting him physically!). H. – he is your cousin and the one you now have “running the company” and I am asking you to do something about this so that it never happens again. I have been intimidated by him a few times in the recent past – even told him to move back because he was yelling in my face before …

I am not interested in working for this man. He is getting more & more out of control – and I have lost all respect for him. This kind of behavior must be addressed. As your workers, we need to feel that we have protection and at this point we do not feel covered and protected – not when these kind of actions can take place openly. I would like to request a response as to how you are going to address this situation; I am not looking to hurt the company, but if the appropriate action is not taken, I will not hesitate to report this and other incidents.


I guess the story will be continuing